Technological developments continue to grow rapidly in line with the challenges of the times that require various sectors in the province of Aceh to continue to follow and make changes sustainably, both in education, government, private sector, business world and others that must be followed by utilizing information systems, the internet and other information technologies with the hope that Aceh will be better and more advanced in the future and of course maintain the values of local wisdom of Acehnese culture and uphold Islamic law in the land of Aceh (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam).
Aceh is currently continuing to strive to make changes by educating the Acehnese generation as an asset (Human Resources), one of which is through education with the aim of producing sons and daughters of Aceh who will build Aceh in the future and be able to compete at the local and national levels.

To bring Aceh to a better direction, of course, collaboration is needed from various elements from the lower to the upper levels to work together. In this case, the contribution of a son of Aceh, Herry Dharmawan, born on December 6, 1979 in Peusangan District, Bireuen Regency. He is someone who continues to want to grow and progress when he left his hometown to study for a Bachelor of Petroleum and Engineering at the Yogyakarta Veteran National Development University and completed his studies in 2003. After completing his studies, he worked at a domestic and international experience company since 2023. Over time, he continued to develop himself and in early 2010 continued his studies in Russia in the same scientific concentration, namely Petroleum of Gubkin Oil and Gas University and completed his studies in 2011.
Herry Dharmawan who continues to develop his career abroad and works in an international company and is currently working at Great Rim International in 2025 which is located in Abu Dhabi. In the midst of his busy and dense work activities at Great Rim International, he is a highly dedicated leadership soul who continues to think forward to be able to contribute to advancing and improving human resources in Aceh to be better.
In 2023, Herry Dharmawan established his foundation named Yayasan Aceh Bersatu Maju Foundation. Where this foundation has obtained an establishment permit based on the decree of the “Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia” with Number AHU-0024693.AH.01.12. Year 2023 dated October 16, 2023 which has been stipulated in Jakarta. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, he as the foundation’s supervisor together with the foundation’s management will run the Yayasan Aceh Bersatu Maju Foundation with full commitment in the fields of education and social with the hope of being able to provide beneficial contributions to the people of Aceh and educate the future generation of Aceh.
Along with the development of the era at this time and in the future, education as one of the main assets and foundations that can be given to humans to form humans themselves into intelligent humans and as noble human beings in their entirety in addition to preparing quality human resources in Aceh and can compete at the national and international levels in the future. The urgency of education in forming and building quality human resources in Indonesia to realize Indonesia as a developed country can be done through development in the field of education. A good and quality education system greatly influences the contribution of human resources provided and has an effect on the implementation of national development and with educational development planning to prepare humans who are competitive at the national and international levels.
In this regard, Aceh Province, which is rich in natural resources, is part of Indonesia that continues to improve to realize the Acehnese generation into quality human resources. In this case, the Aceh Bersatu Maju Foundation under the guidance of Herry Dharmawan also took the initiative and took a role that made the foundation move in education for the (1) Junior High School and (2) Senior High School levels. The foundation’s supervisors and administrators have thought long term to build and improve the quality of human resources through education with the support of a good learning system, the relevance of the curriculum to the current world of work and the support of a well-organized system management. This effort continues to be carried out by the management of the Aceh Bersatu Maju Foundation in realizing an education system to form superior human resources and be able to compete at the National and International levels. All of this continues sustainably in accordance with the vision of the Aceh Bersatu Maju Foundation, namely “Building a smart, high-achieving and highly social generation that can compete at the National level”.
Every individual human being continues to strive to become a better person and tries to bring himself in the midst of society can be useful for other humans. Therefore, good human relationships (morals, attitudes and communication) are reflected in him when interacting with other humans and has a high social spirit that continues to provide a positive impact on the surrounding community.
In this case, the guidance of the Aceh Bersatu Maju Foundation Herry Dharmawan continues to provide and actively carry out social activities that are beneficial to the community in the surrounding environment by sharing in providing assistance to orphans and the poor. In the activity of providing assistance to orphans in the community, it is done by recording data on each orphan and the poor and based on this data, representatives from the foundation’s management will be assigned to a location in a place to provide useful assistance such as pocket money and staple foods. This program continues to be carried out as an effort to show concern for each other and as a recommendation in Islam.